Jennie in the Bottle

Obviously I'm trapped "in the bottle" of our demented society
and the molds that each person has to fit in todays generation.
Duh. So theres only one option.. Break that mold.

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Beginnings

Alright. You might think I'm crazy... but.. IM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT STARTING SCHOOL IN SIX DAYS!! Why you wonder? Because I've spent most of my summer at the school for cheer and other things anyways. Plus, I miss all of my friends. So a shout out goes to all of the Sophomores reading this right now I'm missin' y'allz like cray. 

Want to know what I'm not excited about? Lunch Room food. OH WAIT. Because of my allergies I bring my own food to school every day!!! So I guess there's NOTHING to be sad about for school starting. 

So here's why I am blogging about starting school on a Friday night at around 6 P.M. It's because being the good daughter I am, I thought I would wash all of our newwwww school uniforms <3 <3 and iron them!! OH EM GE CLEANING! Also, I decided to write my name on all of my school supplies. 
I swear I have a social life. I know it's hard to believe... But it's there I promise.
SHARK WEEEK IS ON! Well. Sort of.. It ends tomorrow but thats just another reason to watch it! by the way I love marine animalia so this is just normal stuff for me. Im always watching informational shows about animals.. Guess what? (what) I read a book about the human brain its called Incognito and its pretty kewl! I can't remember who wrote it and I'm too lazy to.. But it has a bright yellow cover.

So until then.. eat lots of vegetables and milk for me
(because I can't have milk)

FFOTD: I can talk to animals

Monday, August 1, 2011









Prairie Dog


Moon Pie


What do all of those words I just say have in common? Think long and hard about each word. Think about how numbers would come into play... So do you have it? Yeah, you're wrong. It's nothing I just wanted to see what you thought of. They're just fun to say. Go ahead, scroll back up and say all of them out loud.

So August will be filled of joy and hate for me. Joy = shark week and cheer. Hate = waking up early for school. Who else needs to practice their handwriting because of how bad it's gotten during the summer..? Anyone? Just me?

ROFL buddy on cake boss said moving the cake would be a "piece of cake" ahhh its so punny!!

Sorry moment. Spazz moment. Wow it's been awhile since my last post. Y'know I've been pretty busy doing the usual stuff.. Hanging out with my friends, etc. Just kidding I've been sleeping!!

Heres a fun thing that has happened in my life recently, my phone whipped its memory the other day. Why? Because my password was entered in incorrectly too many times. So if you have my number text me with your name. Please don't do the "guess who" thing because I have guessed "who" wrong soo many times and embarrassed myself.. 




Monkey Key Chain

Just a few more words for fun. Fun Fact: I like lizards

Monday, June 13, 2011

putty the putty

Im too lazy to come up with a good title.. 

Now that I have controlled my obsessions with animals and shows with animals.. I can get involved with other important things. Like music!! <3

New Obsessions: Maroon 5's album "Hands All Over" SO GOOD.  I've always loved them so.. now you do too. Also, One Republics new album "Waking Up" check it out check it out!! 

Now back to the important things in life.. 

s-s-s-silly puttyy!!!

Now maybe that isn't important to you.. but the silly putty I own is one of the most entertaining things in the world. Keeps me occupied for hours and even days. Well, maybe not that long.

Well off to go do other things.. 



Fun Fact!! In ancient china, criminals who attacked travelers had their noses cut off! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Guten Tag

That's hello for all my German viewers out there.. Ahh guten tag is funny to me because I'm allergic to gluten.. ah..

Type in "Germany" in google and this is the first thing that comes up..
Pretty Big Rabbit Eh?? 

So, this post is called my obsessions... Wonder why? Because these are my current obsessions..
(Obviously I haven't had an extremely exciting summer so far..)

1. Whale Wars (animal lover here)
2. River Monsters (ah... More animals)
3. Swamp Brothers(different than swamp people)
4. Ultimate Cake Off
5. Deadliest Catch (more animalz)

Now I shall talk about each of these

Go to this website and listen to music while you read the rest. You are not allowed to continue on unless this is playing in the background. (hehe kidding but I promise it helps)

So why whale wars? WHALES MUST BE PROTECTED PEOPLE. We have to save our oceans to preserve our own selves. If the oceans die, we die. Whaling is an ongoing battle with the Japanese because they claim they are killing thousands of whales for "research" *humph* we know you people aboard the Yushin Maru are out killing lil whales for economical uses and depleting the species :(

hehe holding up a sign to expose the truth. YOU GO GUYZ

yah yah.. lies

the good peeps
Promise im not Bias

RIVER MONSTERS with Jeremy Wade
Besides his dreamy accent and his white locks (kidding obviously.. *blech*) the narrator/ main dude is pretty awesome. He goes around searching for river monsters. How ironic?!!??!


Schwamp Broders
Steven is the one holding the lizard (he's scurrd of the biggens) and Robbie gots tha croc. Its a cool show on Discovery.

cake off. *yay*
too lazy to look up a picture

Deadliest Catch
Chill show about catchin' Crabz

standin' on dah crabz

guys, when I say this I mean this.





His website says it all. 



FUN FACT: The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. FEED HANK THE HEDGEHOG

Oh and guys. Don't be afraid to click one of the options below
*mouse moves over and clicks "im rofling".. hehe*

Monday, May 30, 2011





And it's Memorial Day!


Who's out Chillin' n Grillin' today? Surfin' and Turfin' at the beach? Boatin' n.. well.. I don't know. But if you did a mental *yes* to any of those you are living the life!! As for me, no I'm at home. My brother and dad took of to the lake, my mom said she was going to go to a quick lunch at 12:30 and it's now 4:30 and I'm at home.. Alone..

So sorry I haven't blogged before now. decided I wasn't a member anymore and I had to go through a lot of aol emails to find some stuff.. Took awhile and I'm super lazy.

oh. my. gosh. my. mom. has. a. twitter.

it's so weird..

Mom's shouldn't be allowed on facebook or twitter unless they're the cool ones.. My mom can be classified as a cool mom until she makes me sit down and teach her "the art of tweeting"..

But anyways.. I might go now.. I don't know I may be back later..



FUN FACT: An octopus doesn't have a blind spot. Explains why they're so sneaky

Saturday, May 21, 2011

sPiCe oF lYfE

Yes, I had to do the annoying alternation of caps typing. It's a must.

I am now on a study protest.. Why?

Because I have found more entertaining things to do.


Or this. 

or send pictures of myself to people when they lest expect it. (made it smaller so it wouldn't scare you that bad) 

so yeah.. I think i might go study now

Friday, May 20, 2011


que pasa?!?!
shout out to all of my espanola readers out there. you get a high-five too.

As I am sitting here on my bed watching the fabulous marathon of NCIS I have turned into a green eyed monster. Yes everyone, I am jealous of you. You, the reader who is out for summer. The one who slept late, stayed up late, is at the beach, or somewhere else fabulous. 
And to you, who isn't out for summer, you deserve this virtual high five because I know how you feel.
Do what it says. Don't reject it.

So on the topic of summer, is anyone else basically going to be spending it at school practicing stuff?? Because i know i am not the only one.. Its like summer is just a little break from school work but I still have to attend the torturous place everyday until the most amazing thing in the world, cheer camp. 

So I bet you're wondering what is keeping me going today as everyone is tweeting and hash-tagging #summa2o11 !!!!!! or #outofschool or #sucks4allofyallstillinschool (cute.. real cute.) 
Well my friends, its the thought of my mom getting my report card and going "wow jennie, you actually did well on exams for once. You deserve something" and you know what that something will be.....? 
But probably not.. I really want a chameleon. 
If you haven't read my previous blog post about my animals, check out the number I have had.. 
but look how cool it looks. Isn't it awesome?!??!?

What should I name it?? Im thinking if it's a girl, Jan. And if it's a boy, Jerry. Leave some names

So, adios for now.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011



You remember that little storm that destroyed parts of Alabama?

say to your self "oh yeah, I remember that one.. duh"


Sectionals for track got postponed because of it! So, instead of running last Friday and Saturday, we got the true privilege of running on this Monday afternoon and this fabulous Thursday morning.

Records were broken.
Tears were shed.
And food was hurled.

That sums up the track weekend meet.

So, mother nature decided, like she does every year, to let it rain like it does every second day of sectionals. The hurdlers were the lucky ones and it didn't rain for us (; LOL. But it started off as that really annoying misty rain, stopped, came back hard and for a short amount of time. Decided to stop long enough so that everyone put down their jackets and umbrellas. Started again so I had enough time to "borrow" and umbrella, and continued.

Speaking of privileges.. We get to run this Friday and Saturday also!! So let me just repeat this.. We ran Monday, Tuesday, and will be running Friday and Saturday. Joy oh Joy.

So.. Enough about track.



y'know I'm more of a team harry..


my life is boring.

Monday, April 25, 2011

✰✌☮ OSCAR ☮✌✰

"Hey Jennie, how did you get your squirrel?"

I get asked this frequently..

so.. this is how

incase you do not know, this is oscar. The coolest squirrel you will ever see

So oscar was orphaned *aww* and he had a brother who we gave away

I caught oscar by putting my jacket over him and carefully picking him up (because I thought baby squirrels have rabies but they do not) and we have been best friends ever after that day! 

Y'all it was my dream to have a squirrel.. I would used to run around and make squirrel noises because I thought they could understand me.... I've gotten less weird I promise..

FUN FACT!!: Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve glass.. so.. don't play with it 


Alright. So it's been awhile.. I've been a little stressed out and a little over worked. Like a pack mule. As you know, I am a hurdle star. I run for USA. I have a couple of medals... just a few.
If you do not know me well enough, then heres a hint. I kid a lot
about myself so.. get ready for more

So what have you been up to? Yes YOU. The loser reading my blog. Just kidding. You aren't a loser, you're a winner. You're #winning. 

But hey, if you think my blogs are boring, just email me. Don't abuse this privilege. I know it's super lame..

Alright. I'm bored 


FUN FACT!!: The worlds first Electric Trolly System was invented in Montgomery in 1861 hollaaa represent.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Lillian Rebecca Roth. LRR. We also call her Lillian Danger Roth. Lillian is rather tall.. so shes a little clumsy. But no worries.. we help her control her lankiness. Enjoy the pictures..

excuse the awkward facial expressions..

here's lillian and I.. chillin'

Heres what lillian is thinking.. 
"Oh jennie I love you so much.. You're the best"

Obviously she loves me.. Can you feel the love? CAN YOU FEEL IT?

Fun facts!!! the average man is 5'9 and the average woman is 5'4

***i promise im not obsessed with her...***

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Its been awhile.. hasn't it?? I've been busy.. You know cheer tryouts.. Track.. Having a little bit of a social life.. Doctors appointments.. Plus I have to be in bed by around 9 so that kind of limits my night life.

Im thinking about changing my layout.. Possibly. OMG have yall seen the commercial with the guy and he has a mini giraffe?! I want that giraffe. Below is the link, check it out of you haven't seen it..


Sorry I had an ADD moment. On that subject of small animals my family wants a peacock. Also commonly called a peafowl. My dad wants a hedgehog but i'm saying lets get some quail. Why? This is why. I was thinking we could get about.. Four of them. One for each of us!!

Animals are one of my obsessions.. I will now list how many animals I have had and the quantity of each of them.. Don't be alarmed by the length

  1. Two Pet squirrels
  2. Ten Cats (we had kittens)
  3. Seventy Six Dogs (My dad rescues dogs that are on the side of the road and are about to die at the humane shelter. We put them at our farm)
  4. Two Leopard Geckos
  5. Eleven Green Anoles
  6. Six Beta Fish
  7. Four Bass
  8. Seven other fish (forgot what they were)
  9. One Dove
  10. Fifteen Guinea Pigs
  11. One Gerbil
  12. Two Rabbits
  13. Three Turtles
  14. One Racoon
Thats a grand total of... 141 pets. They didn't all die.. Some ran away and we gave some away.. like the turtles and the Guinea Pigs.. Some we kept.. for awhile.. oh and we gave away the lizards.. But all of the fish died.. We Austins aren't too good with aquariums...

Fun fact!!!! Turtles can breathe through their butts.. Thought it was appropriate since I have had turtles

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Breakk!

Of course.. The Spring Break Post... So cliche but so nessicary!! This trip is may be the only eventful thing of my SB'11 so of course, I have to let all of my bloggers know about it!

This weekend my fam jam and I went down to Mobile for the wedding of my cousin Shelton and his new adorable bride Katie! We stayed at the grand hotel (which has maybe the most comfortable bed I have ever slept on in a hotel) and it was pretty awesome.. below was our view of the bay! I really wish I owned one of those boats..

Just a couple of steps away was the beach! sort of.. well rocks and some sand. I personally thought it was cool and well.. the "beach" was pretty small. Probably only fifty feet of sand then another little rock barrier on the other side. In sat the lil beach! You know, I never went swimming though.. Not in the pool or the bay.. 

Here the view from where the wedding took place! it was extremely bright. But super pretty! It was at some random country club in the middle of no where.

This was their guest registration! Soooooo presh! They're dog people.. As you can tell

So we walked around a couple of days later and this little fellow jumped on my leg. Isn't he adorable? I love lizards! I used to have two geckos and I always caught these little green anoles 

Also as we walked around I found these little kiddos chillin under a plant. I caught the one closest! He didn't like it.. at all..

So that concurs the cliche spring break post!! 
Fun Fact!! Well kinda gross.. Rats and Horses can't throw up..
I'll think of a less disgusting one to replace it later.

But heres something for fun.. 
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cassie Price

EVERYONE! obviously I am a little weird... But I have another half. Cassie Price. She COMPLETES me!! If you ever see us two together ask to see our handshake.. but ask for both. One is a little stranger than the other but oh well.. Cassie.. If you read this I love you sensei!

Fact fact fact fact fact!!! Flossing is good for your heart and will add years to your life!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Catching Up

Oh my.. I cannot believe I haven't posted until now.. Well Well time has flown hasn't it! March is possibly one of my favorite months because of several reasons...
  2. March Madness (family is obsessed with basketball)
  3. It's not too hot and not too cold
  4. I start track.. so glad I have cheer when its chilly outside
But anyways.. for spring break my family is going to an NBA gamee!!!! I cannot start to tell you how excited my family is.. We're gonna see the Heat play the Hawks in ATLLL! But who knows about the Heat right now.. Lost to the Knicks and Magic.. But on the subject of the NBA.. ALERT! I have a new athlete obsession. Seriously every sport there is just one guy I love! This time its Blake Griffin for the Clippers. But Dwight Howard is a close secondd <3 <3 <3 (In the NBA Leo Messi and Apolo are still my number ones!!! :) :) :D)

Here he is.. thinking of me

School is absolutely draining me this week.. Feelin like dat ( below ) towards the TMA faculty. I didn't think it was possible to cram as many graded things into this last week.. I was about to drop out of school, create a family band, and tour the world and become famous. I thought calling ourselves "the Austins and Twins" would be extremely appropriate and I thought my squirrel could play the piano!

Anways on that subject of music.. I have a new music obsession. 50 Cent and Lupe Fiasco. Hands down some of my favorite hip hop/rap artists. All of 50's albums are just gold and Lupe has a voice of silver. It sounds like angels are strumming their harps into your ear (well not like that.. but you get my point). There they are below. Fifty on the left Fiasco on the right. My track nick name was fifty because I always put fifty cents in my shoes so I would have money during the meets. And I have a pretty sweet scar on my shoulder. If you ever see me, I'll show it to ya!

fact fact fact fact fact!!!!!!!!!! Coffee was originally discovered by a Shepard when he saw his sheep eating a strange bush. They were running around and jumping with way more enthusiasm than usual. He took the berries to his village to cook them when he realized, there was a giant seed inside. They turned it into a stew and showed other villages it! Then it spread to Europe and other places and became into what we know today as "coffee".  

I promise I will start posting more often! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Your Story

Heyy guys, What UP! Its been awhile hasn't it? I've just been busy, y'know the life of a child. Workin' hard. But recently my church (Fumc) just got back from winter retreat! <3 <3 <3 i LOVED it! Ask HANNAH HAYNES if she liked it too! My go to verse now to help me is deff Job 4:2-6. Thats our little freshmen small group up dere. I absolutely love each and every person in this group! Not only because they are nice and my friends, but because they are my rock now. I feel the need to state this in caps.. I LOVE Y'ALL! But the best thing about that little winter excursion is that we all became closer to God. And even though we lost the game, y'all made Sydney and I proud to be your coaches. Work it girls and make rosa proud!

Thursday, I'm off to the doctor yet again. Getting more blood work and doing more tests, the usual. If you ever want a good vegetable recipe just text me! Lillian likes my sweet potato chips.. I promise they're good! They're at Costco go get some! Every ounce has a full serving of vegetables.. Cool right?

Did you know slugs have four noses? Did I ever mention I like animals?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lillian Roth

In the world of friends, Lillian Roth is ranked highly. Heres why...

  1. She's very tall. Why is having a tall friend good? Heres why, she can see into crowds. With my height being at 5'4 looking over people is a challenge. 
  2. She's very good at giving piggy back rides! When I hurt my knee Lil Dog would carry me around to and from the elevator where I spent most of my time.
  3. She's toatz hilar. She always has a "your face" comment to spit at anyone who isn't ready
  4. She's smart. I can ask her some questions and she might know the answer... but I always ask the power couple Gar Bear and William after just to make sure.. (;
  5. She's Lillian
Those were some reasons 's author makes my world go round. I love her so much and honestly, she's amazing! I love you lillian!

Cool Tippp! Chewing gum during school actually helps you remember things. Yes, guys it's proven! And here is a cool fact in honor of LILLIANN!!! There is a Starbucks in Myundong, South Korea that is five stories tall

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hayyyyyyy guys! Not good at the titles.. I will work on that.. The most depressing part of the break was realizing Monday night, we had school tomorrow. Ah the wonders of freshmen year.. ALMOST DONE! Then summmmmer. Just cannot waiiiiit!

But anyways, the most exciting thing I did during the break was read, go to Mississippi, and doctors appointments. Mississippi was exciting with the Christmas Day snow and of course, supporting the bulldogs. My family is the definition of obsessed when it comes to mississippi state sports.. But guess what, new PR of five doctor appointments in one day. What whatt? You're probably thinking what could possibly be wrong with me? A lot of things. Seriously way too many. But it could be worse! I have an amazing family and God! Plus, I get to bring my own lunch to school now. Gotta love the perks! If you want any fruit throughout the day, just hit me up.

Best book I've been reading so far is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Its amazing. My new goal is to stay away from facebook as much as possible now. Definitely gonna be hard because you know how much fun stalking people is. You know something fun to do? Write poetry. How nerdy does that sound? But really its actually kind of fun! Gahh Mr. Richburg is rubbing off on me now... Odd. I think I will post one later!

Guys, soccer is about to start. I am SOO EXCITED! Finally no hurdles for this year.. Gonna be weird playing soccer again and not running 100s and 300 hurdles. Hopefully, no more injuries will come this time around.. Dislocating your knee cap then popping it back in place is not the most pleasant thing to do. Yeah, hope that doesn't happen again. That hurt almost as bad as face-planting on the track.. If Lillian reads this, you know what I'm talkin bout gurrrlll!

At the end of every post I am gonna put a cool tip! This one is that if you end your shower with cold water you will feel better after it and have more energy. Cool right? I tired it totally helps. Especially before schoool.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Omg! I have a blog! Gasp. I have always seen Lillian Roth "blogging" in class and I have been so jealous.. so.. I made one. So obviously my name is Jennie. I like animals, a lot. Seriously I have had wayyy too many pets in my life time so far.. Way too many to name. I go to MA or TMA. Whatever works.

You know what annoys me? When you're watching a really good show and THE WORST commercials come on. Some can be pretty entertaining like the Pepsi commercials that have the swapping squares but others.. I mean they just get me. For example, I'm watching Chelsea Lately (Possibly the best show on E! other than Keeping Up With The Kardashians, of course) and the Oxy Clean commercials come on.. Like whaaaa?

So.. This was kinda short in comparison to Lillian's blog posts..
Keep smiling!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3