Jennie in the Bottle

Obviously I'm trapped "in the bottle" of our demented society
and the molds that each person has to fit in todays generation.
Duh. So theres only one option.. Break that mold.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Its been awhile.. hasn't it?? I've been busy.. You know cheer tryouts.. Track.. Having a little bit of a social life.. Doctors appointments.. Plus I have to be in bed by around 9 so that kind of limits my night life.

Im thinking about changing my layout.. Possibly. OMG have yall seen the commercial with the guy and he has a mini giraffe?! I want that giraffe. Below is the link, check it out of you haven't seen it..


Sorry I had an ADD moment. On that subject of small animals my family wants a peacock. Also commonly called a peafowl. My dad wants a hedgehog but i'm saying lets get some quail. Why? This is why. I was thinking we could get about.. Four of them. One for each of us!!

Animals are one of my obsessions.. I will now list how many animals I have had and the quantity of each of them.. Don't be alarmed by the length

  1. Two Pet squirrels
  2. Ten Cats (we had kittens)
  3. Seventy Six Dogs (My dad rescues dogs that are on the side of the road and are about to die at the humane shelter. We put them at our farm)
  4. Two Leopard Geckos
  5. Eleven Green Anoles
  6. Six Beta Fish
  7. Four Bass
  8. Seven other fish (forgot what they were)
  9. One Dove
  10. Fifteen Guinea Pigs
  11. One Gerbil
  12. Two Rabbits
  13. Three Turtles
  14. One Racoon
Thats a grand total of... 141 pets. They didn't all die.. Some ran away and we gave some away.. like the turtles and the Guinea Pigs.. Some we kept.. for awhile.. oh and we gave away the lizards.. But all of the fish died.. We Austins aren't too good with aquariums...

Fun fact!!!! Turtles can breathe through their butts.. Thought it was appropriate since I have had turtles

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