Jennie in the Bottle

Obviously I'm trapped "in the bottle" of our demented society
and the molds that each person has to fit in todays generation.
Duh. So theres only one option.. Break that mold.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Its been awhile.. hasn't it?? I've been busy.. You know cheer tryouts.. Track.. Having a little bit of a social life.. Doctors appointments.. Plus I have to be in bed by around 9 so that kind of limits my night life.

Im thinking about changing my layout.. Possibly. OMG have yall seen the commercial with the guy and he has a mini giraffe?! I want that giraffe. Below is the link, check it out of you haven't seen it..


Sorry I had an ADD moment. On that subject of small animals my family wants a peacock. Also commonly called a peafowl. My dad wants a hedgehog but i'm saying lets get some quail. Why? This is why. I was thinking we could get about.. Four of them. One for each of us!!

Animals are one of my obsessions.. I will now list how many animals I have had and the quantity of each of them.. Don't be alarmed by the length

  1. Two Pet squirrels
  2. Ten Cats (we had kittens)
  3. Seventy Six Dogs (My dad rescues dogs that are on the side of the road and are about to die at the humane shelter. We put them at our farm)
  4. Two Leopard Geckos
  5. Eleven Green Anoles
  6. Six Beta Fish
  7. Four Bass
  8. Seven other fish (forgot what they were)
  9. One Dove
  10. Fifteen Guinea Pigs
  11. One Gerbil
  12. Two Rabbits
  13. Three Turtles
  14. One Racoon
Thats a grand total of... 141 pets. They didn't all die.. Some ran away and we gave some away.. like the turtles and the Guinea Pigs.. Some we kept.. for awhile.. oh and we gave away the lizards.. But all of the fish died.. We Austins aren't too good with aquariums...

Fun fact!!!! Turtles can breathe through their butts.. Thought it was appropriate since I have had turtles

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Breakk!

Of course.. The Spring Break Post... So cliche but so nessicary!! This trip is may be the only eventful thing of my SB'11 so of course, I have to let all of my bloggers know about it!

This weekend my fam jam and I went down to Mobile for the wedding of my cousin Shelton and his new adorable bride Katie! We stayed at the grand hotel (which has maybe the most comfortable bed I have ever slept on in a hotel) and it was pretty awesome.. below was our view of the bay! I really wish I owned one of those boats..

Just a couple of steps away was the beach! sort of.. well rocks and some sand. I personally thought it was cool and well.. the "beach" was pretty small. Probably only fifty feet of sand then another little rock barrier on the other side. In sat the lil beach! You know, I never went swimming though.. Not in the pool or the bay.. 

Here the view from where the wedding took place! it was extremely bright. But super pretty! It was at some random country club in the middle of no where.

This was their guest registration! Soooooo presh! They're dog people.. As you can tell

So we walked around a couple of days later and this little fellow jumped on my leg. Isn't he adorable? I love lizards! I used to have two geckos and I always caught these little green anoles 

Also as we walked around I found these little kiddos chillin under a plant. I caught the one closest! He didn't like it.. at all..

So that concurs the cliche spring break post!! 
Fun Fact!! Well kinda gross.. Rats and Horses can't throw up..
I'll think of a less disgusting one to replace it later.

But heres something for fun.. 
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cassie Price

EVERYONE! obviously I am a little weird... But I have another half. Cassie Price. She COMPLETES me!! If you ever see us two together ask to see our handshake.. but ask for both. One is a little stranger than the other but oh well.. Cassie.. If you read this I love you sensei!

Fact fact fact fact fact!!! Flossing is good for your heart and will add years to your life!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Catching Up

Oh my.. I cannot believe I haven't posted until now.. Well Well time has flown hasn't it! March is possibly one of my favorite months because of several reasons...
  2. March Madness (family is obsessed with basketball)
  3. It's not too hot and not too cold
  4. I start track.. so glad I have cheer when its chilly outside
But anyways.. for spring break my family is going to an NBA gamee!!!! I cannot start to tell you how excited my family is.. We're gonna see the Heat play the Hawks in ATLLL! But who knows about the Heat right now.. Lost to the Knicks and Magic.. But on the subject of the NBA.. ALERT! I have a new athlete obsession. Seriously every sport there is just one guy I love! This time its Blake Griffin for the Clippers. But Dwight Howard is a close secondd <3 <3 <3 (In the NBA Leo Messi and Apolo are still my number ones!!! :) :) :D)

Here he is.. thinking of me

School is absolutely draining me this week.. Feelin like dat ( below ) towards the TMA faculty. I didn't think it was possible to cram as many graded things into this last week.. I was about to drop out of school, create a family band, and tour the world and become famous. I thought calling ourselves "the Austins and Twins" would be extremely appropriate and I thought my squirrel could play the piano!

Anways on that subject of music.. I have a new music obsession. 50 Cent and Lupe Fiasco. Hands down some of my favorite hip hop/rap artists. All of 50's albums are just gold and Lupe has a voice of silver. It sounds like angels are strumming their harps into your ear (well not like that.. but you get my point). There they are below. Fifty on the left Fiasco on the right. My track nick name was fifty because I always put fifty cents in my shoes so I would have money during the meets. And I have a pretty sweet scar on my shoulder. If you ever see me, I'll show it to ya!

fact fact fact fact fact!!!!!!!!!! Coffee was originally discovered by a Shepard when he saw his sheep eating a strange bush. They were running around and jumping with way more enthusiasm than usual. He took the berries to his village to cook them when he realized, there was a giant seed inside. They turned it into a stew and showed other villages it! Then it spread to Europe and other places and became into what we know today as "coffee".  

I promise I will start posting more often!