Jennie in the Bottle

Obviously I'm trapped "in the bottle" of our demented society
and the molds that each person has to fit in todays generation.
Duh. So theres only one option.. Break that mold.

Monday, May 30, 2011





And it's Memorial Day!


Who's out Chillin' n Grillin' today? Surfin' and Turfin' at the beach? Boatin' n.. well.. I don't know. But if you did a mental *yes* to any of those you are living the life!! As for me, no I'm at home. My brother and dad took of to the lake, my mom said she was going to go to a quick lunch at 12:30 and it's now 4:30 and I'm at home.. Alone..

So sorry I haven't blogged before now. decided I wasn't a member anymore and I had to go through a lot of aol emails to find some stuff.. Took awhile and I'm super lazy.

oh. my. gosh. my. mom. has. a. twitter.

it's so weird..

Mom's shouldn't be allowed on facebook or twitter unless they're the cool ones.. My mom can be classified as a cool mom until she makes me sit down and teach her "the art of tweeting"..

But anyways.. I might go now.. I don't know I may be back later..



FUN FACT: An octopus doesn't have a blind spot. Explains why they're so sneaky

Saturday, May 21, 2011

sPiCe oF lYfE

Yes, I had to do the annoying alternation of caps typing. It's a must.

I am now on a study protest.. Why?

Because I have found more entertaining things to do.


Or this. 

or send pictures of myself to people when they lest expect it. (made it smaller so it wouldn't scare you that bad) 

so yeah.. I think i might go study now

Friday, May 20, 2011


que pasa?!?!
shout out to all of my espanola readers out there. you get a high-five too.

As I am sitting here on my bed watching the fabulous marathon of NCIS I have turned into a green eyed monster. Yes everyone, I am jealous of you. You, the reader who is out for summer. The one who slept late, stayed up late, is at the beach, or somewhere else fabulous. 
And to you, who isn't out for summer, you deserve this virtual high five because I know how you feel.
Do what it says. Don't reject it.

So on the topic of summer, is anyone else basically going to be spending it at school practicing stuff?? Because i know i am not the only one.. Its like summer is just a little break from school work but I still have to attend the torturous place everyday until the most amazing thing in the world, cheer camp. 

So I bet you're wondering what is keeping me going today as everyone is tweeting and hash-tagging #summa2o11 !!!!!! or #outofschool or #sucks4allofyallstillinschool (cute.. real cute.) 
Well my friends, its the thought of my mom getting my report card and going "wow jennie, you actually did well on exams for once. You deserve something" and you know what that something will be.....? 
But probably not.. I really want a chameleon. 
If you haven't read my previous blog post about my animals, check out the number I have had.. 
but look how cool it looks. Isn't it awesome?!??!?

What should I name it?? Im thinking if it's a girl, Jan. And if it's a boy, Jerry. Leave some names

So, adios for now.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011



You remember that little storm that destroyed parts of Alabama?

say to your self "oh yeah, I remember that one.. duh"


Sectionals for track got postponed because of it! So, instead of running last Friday and Saturday, we got the true privilege of running on this Monday afternoon and this fabulous Thursday morning.

Records were broken.
Tears were shed.
And food was hurled.

That sums up the track weekend meet.

So, mother nature decided, like she does every year, to let it rain like it does every second day of sectionals. The hurdlers were the lucky ones and it didn't rain for us (; LOL. But it started off as that really annoying misty rain, stopped, came back hard and for a short amount of time. Decided to stop long enough so that everyone put down their jackets and umbrellas. Started again so I had enough time to "borrow" and umbrella, and continued.

Speaking of privileges.. We get to run this Friday and Saturday also!! So let me just repeat this.. We ran Monday, Tuesday, and will be running Friday and Saturday. Joy oh Joy.

So.. Enough about track.



y'know I'm more of a team harry..


my life is boring.